Welcome to Art Journaling!


Wether you have some art supplies at home you want to play with, or using some nifty things we all have around the pantry, the goal of this course is to help you get outside of your routine, feel more creative and ideally start an art journal practice.

We will be taking inspiration from an art term called bricolage.

Bricolage refers to the construction or creation of an artwork from any materials that come to hand

Bricolage is a French wording meaning roughly ‘do-it-yourself’, and it is applied in an art context to artists who use a diverse range of non-traditional art materials.”

Now, before some art history purists come after me, notice that the key is inspired by. At the end of the day, we will be creating mixed media journals.

Mixed media is “A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media, such as ink and pastel or painting and collage, that are combined in a single composition.”

We will be taking an explorer’s approach to art-making: looking inside our drawers where we keep the supplies we are too afraid to use, or whatever we have available and on hand. The most important thing is to get excited and play around!

There is no pressure to create every day. I decided to make the course in this format so you could go at your own pace, and even skip around, come back, and try some things again.

Explore artists’ sketchbooks

Check our the resources below and the article Exploring artists through their sketchbooks.

Guillermo del Toro

Jose Naranja

J.M.W. Turner

Henri de Tolouse-Lautrec

Frida Kahlo

Gustav Klimt

Sonal Nathwani

Dina Brodsky

Sara Boccaccini Meadows